Original papers:
- Bogomolova E.V., Vlasov D.Yu., Zelenskaya M.S., Panina L.K. Species composition of micromycetes inhabiting the antique marble surface in Chersonesos. Vestnik St. Petersburg State Univ., Biology 3(4): 49-54, 1996.(in Russian). List of species available.
- Bogomolova E.V., Vlasov D.Yu., Sagulenko E.S. Comparative analysis of marble-specific mycobiotes.Mikologia i Fitopatologia 31(5): 9-15, 1997. (Engl. Abstr.) in Russian.
- Panina L.K., Badalyan A.G., Bogomolova E.V., Wollenzien U., Gorbushina A.A, Krumbein W.E., Soukharjevski S.M. EPS-spectra in black dematiaceous micromycetes isolated from marble surface. ikologia i Fitopatologia 31(1): 46-51, 1997. (Engl. Abstr.)
- Tcherepanova N.P., Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V., Rybalchenko O.V., Spitzina N.G. The investigation of character of fungal interaction with a new allotropic carbon modification - fullerenes. Mikologia i Fitopatologia 31(4): 27-32, 1997.(Engl. abstr.) in Russian
- Panina L.K., Kurochkin V.E., Bogomolova E.V., Evstrapov A.A., Spitzina N.G. Biotransformation of fullerenes. Doklady Akademii Nauk 357(2): 275-277. 1997. (Engl. transl., Biology Reports). PDF file in English
- Bogomolova E.V., Vlasov D.Yu., Panina L.K. Morphology of microcolonies of epilithic black yeast from the genus Phaeococcomyces de Hoog. Doklady Biological Sciences 363(5): 19-20. 1998. (Engl. transl., Biology Reports). in English;
- Bogomolova E.V. Morphological potential of Phaeococcomyces sp (strain h 49) - a typical representative of microcolonial lithobiontic fungi. Mikologia i Fitopatologia 33(2): 95-100. 1999.(Engl. abstr.) (in Russian)
- Bogomolova E.V., Vlasov D.Yu., Panina L.K. Morphometrical comparison of the series of strains of black yeasts Phaeococcomyces exophialae. Mikologia i Fitopatologia 34(2): 40-47. 2000. (Engl. abstr.) (in Russian) English abstr.
- Bulanitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Bystrova E.Yu., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K. The model of spatio-temporal periodical structures formation in the colonies of mycelial fungi. Journ. Of General Biology 61(4): 400-411. 2000.(The Journal is Engl. transl.) (in Russian)
- Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V., Pavlenko V.K. The spatial organization of colonies of dimorphous micromycetes. Biophysika 45(5): 878-880. 2000. (The Journal is Engl. transl.) in English
- Bulyanitsa A.L., Bystrova E.Yu., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. The influence of metabolite diffusion coefficient on the processes of ordering in colonies of Hyphomycetes. Scientific Instrumentation 10 (4): 44-47. 2000. (in Russian)
- Bogomolova E.V. Isopropyl alcohol induced mycelium formation in lithobiont black yeasts. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 35(4) 2001. P. 24-28.
- Bogomolova E.V., Zelenskaya M.S., Vlasov D.Yu. Morphological features of microcolonial fungi isolated from rock. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 35(3): 6-12 2001.(Engl. abstr.).
- Bystrova E.Yu., Bulyanitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K. The investigation of zone formation in the colonies of hyphomycetes. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 35(3): 13-20. 2001. (Engl. abstr.).
- Tsvetkova E.O., Bulianitsa A.L., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. Influence of mycelial fungi's adaptability over colony forming processes. Scientific Instrumentation 11 (4): 76-79. 2001. (Engl.abstr.).
- Bogomolova E.V., Belostotskaya G.B., Panina L.K. A tendency of spatial colony structure formation in lithobiontic fungi depending on topography of substrate surface. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 36 (6): 1-8. 2002. (Engl.abstr.).
- Bogomolova E.V., Olkhovaya E.A., Panina L.K., Soukharjevsky S.M. Experimental study of influence of rocks and minerals chemical composition and surface structure over the lithobiontic fungi colonies morphology. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 37 (3): 1-13. (2003). (Engl.abstr.).
- Bogomolova E.V., Goryachev V.L., Kolikov V.A., Kulishevich A.I., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K., Rutberg F.G., Yulaev F.G. On the mechanism of fungicide action of water treated by pulse electric discharges Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 37 (5): 19-25. 2003. (Engl.abstr.).
- Bogomolova E.V., Minter D.W. A new microcolonial rock-inhabiting fungus from marble in Chersonesos (Crimea, Ukraine). Mycotaxon 86: 195-204. 2003. (in English).
- Bogomolova E.V., Minter D.W. IMI Descriptions of fungi and bacteria N 1561-1570. CABI Bioscience, UK. 2003. (in English).
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. The central role of MAP-kinase signal pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and other yeasts in osmostress response. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 38 (2): 8-25. 2004.
- Bogomolova E.V., Minenko E.A., Kirtsideli I.Yu. Protease and phospholipase activity of opportunistic fungi isolated from museum environment. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 41 (2): 113-119. 2007.
- Bogomolova E.V., Ivanova A.M., Kirtsideli I.Y., Melnik V.A., Sokolenko D.V. Micromycetes complexes on photographs from old collections (1839-1912) Topics in Photographic Preservation 12: 55-63. 2007. PDF in English
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. (2008). Development of microfungi communities in the indoor air of St.Petersburg museums Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 42(2): 128-136.
- Bogomolova E.V., Kirtsideli I.Yu. (2009). Airborne fungi in four stations of the St.Petersburg Underground railway system International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63: 156-160.
- Pournou A., Bogomolova E . (2009). Fungal colonization on excavated prehistoric wood: implications for its in situ display International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63(4): 371-378.
- Bystrova E.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Gavrilov Yu.M., Panina L.K., Stefanov V.E., Surma S.V., Shchegolev B.F. (2009). Influence of magnetostatic field and shielded geomagnetic field on microscopic fungi colonies development Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 43(5): 7078.
- Bogomolova E.V., Kirtsideli I.Yu., Minenko E.A. (2009). Potentially dangerous indoor microscopic fungi Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 43(6): press...
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Novozhilov Yu.K., Bogomolova E.V., Drozdova I.V. (2010). Microscopic fungi complexes in soils of tundra coenoses developed on acid rocks of Polar Ural Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya 44(1): press...
Articles in books:
- W.E. Krumbein, E. Bogomolova, A. Gorbushina, L. Panina, O. Rybalchenko, S. Ryshov, E. Sagulenko, D. Vlasov. Biodeterioration and conservation status of marble monuments on Crimea. // In: Architechtural Studies, Materials and Analysis. eds. C.A.Brebbia, B.Leftheris. IV Int. Conf. on structural studies of historical buildings STREMA95. Southampton & Boston, 1995, pp. 195-204.
- Bogomolova E.V., Vlasov D.Yu., Pavlenko V.K., Panina L.K. Dimorphic transitions in microcolonial fungi: inducing factors, possible mechanisms and adaptive role // In: Actual problems in mycology , St.Petersburg, 2001. P. 108-131. (Russian, in press).
- Vlasov D.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Zelenskaya M.S., Gorbushina A.A. A review of methods for isolation of micromycetes damaging marble monuments // In: Actual problems in mycology , St.Petersburg, 2001. P. 88-100. (Russian, in press).
- Bogomolova E., Bystrova E., Karmon E., Ballantyne IV F. Modeling spatial pattern formation in the colonies of growing mycelial fungi // In: Budapest Complex Systems Summer School. Student papers". Santa Fe. 2001. P. 23-27. (English)
- Petranovskii V., Panina L., Bogomolova E., Belostotskaya G. (2003) Microbiologically active nanocomposite media // Proceedings of SPIE Complex mediums IV: Beyond linear isotropic dielectrics, August 4-5, 2003, San Diego, CA, USA. P. 244-255. (English)
- Bogomolova E.V. (2005) Rock-Inhabiting Fungi: From Biodeterioration to Human Disease // In: Fungi: Multifaceted Microbes Eds. B.N. Ganguli and S.K. Deshmukh, Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, India. P. 49-60. (English)
- Manual for diagnostics of mycodeterioration and prophylaxis in the indoor environment (museums, archives) / Eds.: I.Yu. Kirtsideli, E.V. Bogomolova, A.M. Ivanova. Saint Petersburg: Polytechnic University Publishers, 2006. 20 p. (Russian)
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. System-forming role of rock substrate in morphogenesis of lithobiontic fungi // In book: Bio-inert interactions. Life and Rock. Works of Saint Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Vol. 96, 2006. 198 p. (Russian)
- Bogomolova E., Gorbushina A., Krumbein W., Panina L., Sagulenko E., Vlasov D., Zelenskaya M. Investigations of fungal growth on and attack of the marbles of the archaeological site of Chersonessus, Crimea// Abstr. of IUMC Congresses96, 8th Int. Congress of Mycology Division. Jerusalem, Israel, August 18-23, 1996. P.104.
- Vlasov D., Panina L., Sagulenko E., Zelenskaya M., Bogomolova E. The ways of adaptation of melanized fungi to extremal substrates // Abstr. of 2nd Intern. conf. Ecology and conservation of environment . Perm', Russia, 1995, part 3, p. 9-10. (in Russian).
- Panina L.K., Pogrebnikova I.L., Bogomolova E.V., Sagulenko E.S. A role of melanin in adaptation of fungi to changing environment // Abstr. of I(XI) Intern. Workshop on Evolutionary Physiology . St. Petersburg, Russia, 1996. P. 162-163. (in Russian).
- Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V., Pavlenko V.K. Spatial organisation of dimorphic micromycetes colonies // Abstr. Intern. Workshop Problems of theoretical biophysics oscow, 1998. P. 157. (in Russian).
- Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. The description of fungal dimorphous transition in terms of the critical phenomena theory // Abstr. Intern. Conference Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology. Puschino-na-Oke, 1998.
- Bogomolova E.V., Borisova Yu.A., Vlasov D.Yu., Panina L.K. Ecology of marble monuments inhabiting fungi // Abstr. 6th Conf. Universities in the eve of third millennium, St. Petersburg,1998. (in Russian).
- Bogomolova E., Gorbushina A.A. The growth and morphology of rock inhabiting microcolonial fungi: changes caused by morphogenetic agents// Abstr. of 6th Int. Mycological Congress (IMC 6), Jerusalem, Israel, August 23-28, 1998.
- Bogomolova E., Panina L., Vlasov D. Microcolonial morphology of rock-inhabiting fungi: the cooperative cell response on the environment// Abstr. of 6th Int. Mycological Congress (IMC 6), Jerusalem, Israel, August 23-28, 1998.
- Bogomolova E.V. Morphological potential of rock-inhabiting fungi// Abstr. Intern. Conf. Modern problems of mycology, algology and phythopathology, scow, 1998. P. 155. (in Russian).
- Borisova Yu.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Melaninogenesis and adhesive properties of micromycetes' cells // Abstr. Intern. Conf. Modern problems of mycology, algology and phythopathology, scow, 1998. P. 166. (in Russian).
- Bogomolova E.V., Gorbushina A.A. Growth and development of fungi isolated from marble, under the action of different morphogenetic agents // Abstr. Intern. Conf. Modern problems of mycology, algology and phythopathology, scow, 1998. P. 156-157. (in Russian).
- Borisova Yu.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. A role of adhesive properties of micromycetous cells in substrate spreading // ikologiya i Fitopatologia 33(2): 134, 1999 (in Russian).
- Bogomolova E., Panina L., Vlasov D. The induction of dimorphic transitions in three strains of Phaeococcomyces exophialae// Abstr. of Intern. Conf. Human fungal pathogens: fungal dimorphism and disease Granada, Spain, 4-8 Sept., 1999. P. 30. Full text available.
- Bogomolova E., Panina L., Vlasov D. The investigation of the dimorphic black yeasts local population heterogeneity by morphometric analysis// Abstr. of XIII Congress of European Mycologists, Madrid, Spain, 21-28 Sept., 1999. P. 15. Full text available.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Self-organization processes in dimorphic fungi // Abstr. II Congress of Russian Biophysicists, Moscow, 1999. V. 2, p. 392-393. (in Russian).
- Ivanov-Omskii V.I., Panina L.K., Yastrebov S.G., Zvonareva T.K., Bogomolova E.V. Carbon clusters based protective coatings for the cultural valuables // Abstr. of 4nd Int. Workshop IWFAC'99 Fullerenes and atomic clusters. St.Petersburg, Russia, 1999. Abstract available.
- L.K. Panina, Yu.A. Kumzerov, E.V. Bogomolova. Spatial organization and phase transition in dimorphic fungi (full text) // .
- Bystrova E., Bulianitsa A., Panina L., Kurochkin V., Bogomolova E. Spatial periodicity in mycelial fungi growth with respect to their life strategies //, abstract number 348, full text you can also find on: .
- Bystrova E., Bogomolova E., Bulianitsa A., Kurochkin V., Panina L. A model of zone formation during stationary growth of hyphomycetes // Abstr. Intern. Conf. "Mycology and Cryptogamic Botany in Russia: Traditions and Modern State". April 24-28, 2000. St.Petersburg, Russia. P. 81-82.
- Vlasov D., Panina L., Bogomolova E., Zelenskaya M. Some results and prospectives of geomycological investigations // Abstr. Intern. Conf. "Mycology and Cryptogamic Botany in Russia: Traditions and Modern State". April 24-28, 2000. St.Petersburg, Russia. P. 91-93.
- Bogomolova E., Vlasov D., Zelenskaya M. Biodestruction of stone in urban environment // Abstr. Intern. Conf. "Ecogeology-2000". May 16-18, 2000. St.Petersburg, Russia.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Black yeasts: lithobionts and pathogens of man// Abstr. of "Scientific and applied conference on medical mycology and 4th Kashkin Readings", June 27-29, 2001, St.Petersburg. In the journal: Problems in medical mycology. V. 3(2), 2001. P. 76.
- Bulianitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Kurochkin V.E. Mathematical modeling of mycelium-yeast transitions in dimorphic fungi // Abstr. IX International Conf. "Mathematics. Computer. Education", , Dubna, January, 28 - February, 2, 2002. P. 178.
- Tsvetkova E.O., Bulianitsa A.L., Kurochkin V.E., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Modeling of mycelial fungi's "intellect" as an adaptation to external conditions // Abstr. IX International Conf. "Mathematics. Computer. Education", , Dubna, January, 28 - February, 2, 2002. P. 179.
- Bystrova E.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Bulianitsa A.L., Kurochkin V.E. Formation of different colony types in micromycetes as an example of biological self-organization // Abstr. of the I Congress of Russian Mycologists, Moscow, Russia, April 11-13, 2002. P. 46-47.
- Bogomolova E.V., Olkhovaya E.A., Panina L.K., Soukharjevsky S.M. Influence of minerals' chemical composition on the growth and morphology of lithobiontic fungi // Abstr. of the I Congress of Russian Mycologists, Moscow, Russia, April 11-13, 2002. P. 142-143.
- Panina L.K., Petranovskii V.P., Bogomolova E.V., Bogdanchikova N.E. Antifungal properties of zeolites doped with silver and copper // Abstr. of the I Congress of Russian Mycologists, Moscow, Russia, April 11-13, 2002. P. 238-239.
- Bogomolova E.V. Teaching in medical mycology at the Department of Botany of St.Petersburg State University // Abstr. of the I Congress of Russian Mycologists, Moscow, Russia, April 11-13, 2002. P. 418-419.
- Vlasov D.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Zelenskaya M.C., Panina L.K. Geomycological studies in St.Petersburg State University // Abstr. of the I Congress of Russian Mycologists, Moscow, Russia, April 11-13, 2002. P. 422-423.
- Bogomolova E.V., Burtsev M.S. Modeling of man's organism interaction with the population of pathogen's cells in candidemia // Abstr. of Scientific-practical conference on medical mycology and Vth Kashkin readings, St.Petesburg, May 26-27. Problems in Medical Mycology 4(2), 2002. P. 56.
- Vlasov D.Yu., Krylenkov V.A., Zelenskaya M.S., Bogomolova E.V., Safronova E.V., Startsev S.A., Ryabusheva Yu.V. The basic characteristics of fungi-biodestructors from urban environment // Abstr. of Scientific-practical conference on medical mycology and Vth Kashkin readings, St.Petersburg, May 26-27. Problems in Medical Mycology 4(2), 2002. P. 64-65.
- Bystrova E., Bulianitsa A., Bogomolova E., Panina L., Kurochkin V. Pattern formation in fungal colonies: General features and possible mechanisms // Abstr. of the Intern. Conf. "Dynamics Days Europe" Heidelberg, July 15-19, 2002. P. 48.
- Bogomolova E.V., Olkhovaya E.A., Panina L.K., Soukharjevsky S.M. Modeling of interaction between lithobiontic fungi and the components of rocks (marble, granite) // Abstr. of the1st International Symposium "Bio-Inert Interactions: Life and Rocks", St.Petersburg, June 2002. P. 205-208.
- Panagiaris G., Papademetriou M., Tiligada D., Koniditsiotis A., Karachristos P., Kypraios T., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Soukharjevsky S.M., Kurochkin V., Evstrapov A., Bulianitsa A. Creation and development of software for the input and statistical evaluation of data related to the deterioration of stone objects // Abstr. of the1st International Symposium "Bio-Inert Interactions: Life and Rocks", St.Petersburg, June 2002. P. 232-233.
- Bogomolova E.V. Cell state dynamics and pattern formation in polymorphic fungi // Abstr. of the 7th International Mycological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 11-17 August, 2002. P. 326.
- Bogomolova E.V., Goryachev V.L., Kolikov V.A., Kulishevitch A.I., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K., Rutberg F.G., Yulaev F.G. Antimicrobial properties of water treated by pulse electric discharge // Advances in medical mycology, Moscow: All-Russian Academy of Medical Mycology, 2003. V. 1. P. 90-92.
- Bogomolova E.V. Problems and perspectives of medical mycology teaching for biologists // Advances in medical mycology, Moscow: All-Russian Academy of Medical Mycology, 2003. V. 2. P. 294-295.
- Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. The phenomenon of dimorphism from the position of self-organization theory // Advances in medical mycology, Moscow: All-Russian Academy of Medical Mycology, 2003. V. 1. P. 43-45.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. MAP-kinase module and mechanisms of yeasts adaptation to osmostress // Advances in medical mycology, Moscow: All-Russian Academy of Medical Mycology, 2003. V. 1. P. 57-58.
- Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. Cell shape dynamics in dimorphic fungi as an example of biological self-organization // Abstr. of NATO ASI School, Geilo, Norway, March, 24 April, 3, 2003. P. 34
- Bogomolova E.V., Goryachev V.L., Kolikov V.A., Kulishevitch A.I., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K., Rutberg F.G., Yulaev F.G. Pulse electric discharges as antifungal water treatment // Abstr. Scientific-Practical Conf. on Medical Mycology and VIth Kashkin Readings. Problems in Medical Mycology. 2003. V. 5(2). P. 75.
- Bykov V.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Investigation of some yeasts colonies morphogenesis // Abstr. Scientific-Practical Conf. on Medical Mycology and VIth Kashkin Readings. Problems in Medical Mycology. 2003. V. 5(2). P. 75-76.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Morphological transitions of dimorphic black fungus Phaeococcomyces chersonesos during adaptive response // Abstr. Scientific-Practical Conf. on Medical Mycology and VIth Kashkin Readings. Problems in Medical Mycology. 2003. V. 5(2). P. 76.
- Avrutina O.V., Bykov V.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Investigation of biodiversity and morphological characteristics of opportunistic black yeasts // Abstr. 6th All-Russian biomedical conference of young scientists Human health, St.Petersburg, April 2003. P. 9.
- Bykov V.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Architecture of yeast colonies and its dependence of external factors // Abstr. 6th All-Russian biomedical conference of young scientists Human health, St.Petersburg, April 2003. P. 31-32.
- Bogomolova E.V., Minter D.W. A new black yeast from marble in Chersonesos (Crimea, Ukraine). // Abstr. of XIV Congress of European Mycologists, Katsiveli, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, 22-27 September 2003. P. 103.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V. (2004). Polymorphic transitions during stress-response in melanized yeast Phaeococcomyces chersonesos // Abstr. Conf. Mycology and algology 2004, Moscow, Russia, February 3-4. P. 61.
- Bulyanitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Zarochentseva I.A., Panina L.K. (2004) FuSTRE a mathematical model of stress-activation of signal transduction and morphological response in fungi // Abstr. 2nd Russian Congress on medical mycology. In: Advances in medical mycology. Moscow, March 24-25. Vol. III, Chapter 2. P. 25-27.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Belostotskaya G.B., Panina L.K. (2004) Application of computer image analysis for study of morphological reactions during stress-response in melanized yeast Phaeococcomyces chersonesos // Abstr. 2nd Russian Congress on medical mycology. In: Advances in medical mycology. Moscow, March 24-25. Vol. III, Chapter 2. P. 41-42.
- Bulyanitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Zarochentseva I.A., Panina L.K. (2004) Mathematical model of stress-activated - and - dependent morphological reactions in fungi // Abstr. III Congress of Russian Biophysicists. June 24-29. Vol. II. P. 329-330.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Belostotskaya G.B., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. (2004) Computer analysis of morphological cell heterogeneity in dimorphic fungi under standard and stress conditions // Proc. of IVTN2004 Information technologies in fundamental and applied science: chemistry, biology, pharmaceutics, medicine. Moscow. P. 46-47.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. (2004) Morphogenetic reactions of dimorphic fungus Phaeococcomyces chersonesos under the action of oxytocin and insulin in vitro. Problems of medical mycology 6(2): 79.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. (2003) Morphological transitions of dimorphic black yeast Phaeococcomyces chersonesos is a part of its adaptive reaction // Problems of medical mycology 5(2): 76
- Tsvetkova E.O., Bogomolova E.V., Bulyanitsa A.L., Kurochkin V.E., Panina L.K. (2004) Mathematical model of pattern formation in colonies of imperfect fungi // Abstr. XII Scientific School "Nonlinear waves - 2004". Moscow, May-June.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Proletarsky A.Yu., Soukharjevski S.M., Tsukanova V. (2004) Influence of culture media on formation of intracellular EPR markers in microscopical fungi // Abstr. Winter School and Conference of Young Scientists Magnetic resonance and its applications St.Petersburg, December 13-17. P. 156.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Proletarsky A.Yu., Soukharjevski S.M., Tsukanova V. (2005) EPR spectra of dark-colored micromycetes in changing conditions // Advances in medical mycology 5: 28-29.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Kobyakova V.I. (2005) Application of nanocomposite materials for protection from biodeterioration // Problems of medical mycology 7(2): 38.
- Bulyanitsa A.L., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Tsvetkova E.O. (2006) Mathematical modeling of fungal growth on heterogeneous media // Problems of medical mycology 8(2): 39.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. (2005) Comparative analysis of morphological characteristics of Phaeococcomyces chersonesos cells under standard conditions, and under action of insulin and aminoacids in vitro // Problems of medical mycology 7(2): 40.
- Zarochentseva I.A., Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V., Belostotskaya G.B. Changes in surface properties of micromycetes cells under the action of mammalian insulin // Abstr. XIII Int. Workshop and VI School on Evolutionary Physiology. St.Petersburg, January 23-28, 2006. P. 79-80.
- Ivanova A.M., Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Investigation of the influence of plant essential oils on the growth of micromycetes for searching of new natural biocides // Abstr. Int. Conf. Physiology of microorganisms in natural and experimental systems Moscow, May 16-19, 2006. P. 21.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Ivanova A.M., Bogomolova E.V. Influence of chemical composition of rocks and minerals on soil micromycetes complexes (on example of Polar Urals) // Abstr. Int. Conf. Physiology of microorganisms in natural and experimental systems Moscow, May 16-19, 2006. P. 77-78.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Nikitin P.A. Raman spectroscopy damageless method for detection of fungal biodeterioration // Abstr. Scientific-practical conf. on medical mycology and IX Kashkin Readings. Problems in medical mycology. 2006. Vol. 8(2). P. 22-23.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Ivanova A.M., Bogomolova E.V., Melnik V.A. Mycological monitoring of urban air in Saint Petersburg // Abstr. Scientific-practical conf. on medical mycology and IX Kashkin Readings. Problems in medical mycology. 2006. Vol. 8(2). P. 46-47.
- Bogomolova E.V., Zarochentseva I.A., Kobyakova V.I., Panina L.K., Pervak Z.E., Pogrebnikova I.L. The role of season humidity alterations in museum rooms of the old-age buildings in Saint Petersburg in appearance of fungal deterioration of exhibits // Abstr. IV All-Russian Congress on Medical Mycology. Moscow, March 29-31, 2006. Advances in medical mycology. Vol. 7. P. 38-39.
- Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Soukharjevskii S.M., Evstrapov A.A., Nikitin P.A. EPR and Raman spectroscopy as tools for studying biogenic deterioration of the art objects // International Symposium and summer school. 3rd Meeting NMR in Heterogeneous Systems 9-13 July 2006. St. Petersburg. P.56.
- Zarochentceva I.A., Bulyanitsa A.L., Belostotskaya G.B., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. Polymorphous transitions in black yeasts Phaeococcomyces chersonesos: hyperosmolarity vs starvation//Int. Symposium on Yeasts ISSY25 System Biology of Yeasts - from Models to Applications. June 18-21, 2006, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland. P. 102.
- Bogomolova E.V., Kirtsideli I.Yu. Indoor air of St.Petersburg metro: a possible source of potential human pathogenic fungi? //Abstracts of 4th Scientific Meeting of the Nordic Society for Medical Mycology, Helsinki, May 30, 2007. P. 14.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Modern problems of fungal biodeterioration of museum indoor environment // Abstracts of XV CEM, St.Petersburg, September 16-21, 2007. P. 80.
- Bystrova E.Yu., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K. The pulsatile hyphal growth in terms of chaotic dynamics // Abstracts of XV CEM, St.Petersburg, September 16-21, 2007. P. 162.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Aeromycological study of museum premises of Saint Petersburg // Advances in Medical Mycology 9: 51. 2007.
- Bogomolova E.V., Evstrapov A.A., Panina L.K., Nikitin P.A. Raman spectroscopy for the identification of fungi // Advances in Medical Mycology 9: 79. 2007.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Application of natural essential oils for inhibition of fungal growth at indoor environments // Abstr. X-th Kashkin Readings and Conference on Medical Mycology. Problems in Medical Mycology 9(2): 63. 2007.
- Kirtsideli I.Yu., Bogomolova E.V. Soil micromycetes as component of biocoenoses in polar deserts zone// Abstr. III-rd All-Russian Conference on Biodiversity, Pushchino, 2008. P. 24-25
- Abramov E.G., Bogomolova E.V., Panina L.K., Khromova-Borisova D.N. Assessment of mycological risk in museums, archives and libraries by the principal component analysis//Abstr. XI-th Kashkin Readings and Conference on Medical Mycology. Problems in Medical Mycology. 2008. 10(2): 24.
- Bogomolova E.V. Micromycetes in the indoor air of the Scientific library of St.Petersburg State University//Abstr. XI-th Kashkin Readings and Conference on Medical Mycology. Problems in Medical Mycology. 2008. 10(2): 28.
- Bystrova E.Yu., Panina L.K., Bogomolova E.V. Study of apical growth rate oscillations in fungi from the genus Ulocladium // Modern Mycology in Russia 2: 123. 2008.
- Bogomolova E. V. Kapsanaki-Gotsi E., Saketopoulou D., Kobyakova V.I., Panina L.K. Fungi as biodeterioration agents in museums of Russia and Greece // Modern Mycology in Russia 2: 363. 2008.
- Abramov .G., Bogomolova E. V. Panina L.K. Approaches for the assessment of mycological safety of indoor media of museums, archives, libraries on the basis of principal component analysis// Modern Mycology in Russia 2: 364. 2008.